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The regular swimming break schedule is 15 minutes observed beginning approximately 45 minutes after the hour until the beginning of the following hour. 

Metro changes the schedule to include 10 minutes at the top of the hour followed by 20 minutes swimming followed by a 10-minute break at the bottom of the hour followed by another 20 minutes of swimming.  This is effective only for a day when the heat index is expected to be ninety or above and when there are more than 50 people in the pool.  The change is purportedly to protect guard safety, and effects all pools managed by Metro. 

This is a policy promulgated by high level management and the owner of Metro Pools.  The guards often do not understand the break change nor do they have a desire to change the break schedule.  They are simply following instructions of their employer Metro Pools.   

We have heard from many residents regarding their dissatisfaction with this policy and share in their frustration.  The changed break schedule is inconvenient, misunderstood, improperly implemented, and in most cases unnecessary.  Moreover, there does not appear to be any basis for modification of the schedule in our contract with Metro Pools.  We will be contacting top management and the owner of Metro Pools this week to remedy this situation and have already communicated that continued implementation of this policy will be a factor when determining whether or not to renew their contract. 

In the meantime, feel free to express your dissatisfaction with this policy directly with Metro Pools:


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